Pazar, Mayıs 07, 2006

Looking for *guest* bloggers


Hey, dear friends and fellow readers. Now it is your time to write. To make this place more fun for all of us, we need some post from others. Would you like to consider writing one for me. I would be grateful.

What am I looking for? Anything. Just send me anything that you want me to publish on this blog. I prefer it to be in a "blog" format but still this is not a requirement. Do you want to post only images, that is also okay.

You don't need to know me personally. You are my friend only by reading my blog. You don't need to write long/aesthetic bla bla bla. Just write as you are.

Which language? I would personally prefer Turkish, English or German. However, you can send in any language. Which ever you like most. I would be very happy if it is sth. that Babel Fish can translate.

You can run but you cannot hide.

Yes, I know you are reading this page. I know lots of ppl read this page from many different places. I know you do not like writing comments (excluding H.) but this time make a favor and try writing sth. for me. ( Well, If you do not feel like writing today, you are still welcome to these pages. And if you want to send sth. to me but do not want to it to be published - as some of you did - that is also OK.)

Thank you all.

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